Sunday, September 09, 2007

Just a quick little post

I just wanted to chronicle this one little post quickly. We went back to the Please Touch Museum today and Ellie was playing in the supermarket area picking out her fake peaches, putting them in her cart and then returning them back to the fake peaches bin. It was a fun game and she was really getting going here when another little girl started doing the same thing with fake avacados right next to her. This threw Ellie off for a second as her attention span is like her daddy's. She accidentally put her fake peach in with the fake onions. (insert dramatic music) She turned back to her cart to get some more, when she stopped. She turned around. Looked into the bin with the fake onions, pulled out the peach and put it where it belonged. All this without any instruction or encouragement! Cognitively on-track, HA! My baby is a genius! It doesn't take much for a proud papa.

1 comment:

BlondeJustice said...

Tee hee hee!!