Monday, December 24, 2007
Warning: Do Not Attempt
Lessons Learned: Do not attempt to do last minute Christmas present wrapping in the presence of a toddler (even gifts for adults that she couldn't be less interested in). She does not understand the concept of wrapping and will constantly try to tear the paper, stand on the paper, grab the roll of paper and run around the house with it, or rapidly unroll it until it is ripped, wrinkled and unusable. Next year, perhaps we should think about getting her some rolls of wrapping paper for Christmas. I never realized how entertaining it could be. She is more interested in this than my cat was.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Joy of Christmas (Trees)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Aye, Aye!
Mommy: "Elise, would you like to read this book?"
Friday, November 30, 2007
Turned out that she must have bitten her tongue far back in her mouth when she fell – perhaps she’d been feeling her new tooth with her tongue when she tripped – and as I have mentioned before, the girl is a Bleeder. She had blood oozing out of her month for a good half hour before it finally let up. Our neighbor assured us that she was not in danger of bleeding to death. But it really was quite a scare. There's nothing like thick red blood pouring from your child’s mouth to freak a parent out.
Last weekend, though, we added another traumatic injury to her short list. She was coming down a slide at the playground when she accidentally turned her body so that her hip and foot got caught diagonally across the slide. This caused her to come to a screeching halt on the slide and to wail in pain. I picked her up, realizing it must have hurt, and coddled her for a few minutes trying to calm her down. When the crying nearly subsided, I tried to encourage her to get back on the jungle gym. I put her down, and she took one step and her leg completely gave out on her. She wailed. We went through the process again, and when she’d calmed down, I set her back down. But she could not put any pressure on her leg without crumbling over. Every time she tried to put her foot down, she cried “OOOOOwwwwwwieeee!”
Elise giving hugs to Shoshana's daughter, Lauren, 8 months
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Toddler Handbook
Another bizarre Toddler phenomenon that Ellie has recently picked up is adding "ie" to everything. Why do toddlers do that anyway? I guess once the novelty of talking starts to wear off on the parents, the toddler feels the need to try to cute it up again or something. To toddlers, suddenly doll becomes dolly, horse becomes horsey and so on. Among other things, Ellie has taken to saying "upie" instead of "up", "Opie" instead of "Opa" (her grandfathers) and my personal favorite "uh-ohie" instead of "uh-oh." Sure, it's sort of cute now, but I hope she outgrows it at the appropriate developmental time. There is a very fine line between cute toddler "ie" and annoying baby-like kid "ie".
Saturday, November 10, 2007
He Who Shan't Be Named
Yes, Ellie has an obsession, a real obsession, and it is completely out of control. It runs deeper than anything we could have imagined and her love of dogs, buses and babies pales in comparison to her new fixation. We refer to him as “our little red friend” or “he who shan’t be named” (because we have to speak in code so as not to arouse an all out frenzy) but she simply refers to him as ELMO. And she refers to him a lot. As I said, she is obsessed.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Pickiest. Eater. Ever.
Elise has officially become the pickiest eater on the planet. See below the complete list of things that she will eat (and keep in mind that she cannot eat anything with dairy or soy because of her allergies):
- Cut Green beans, no salt added canned only (no frozen, fresh, French style, etc)
- Frozen peas – must be made fresh, will not eat if refrigerated
- Frozen carrots – but only the little square kind that come in peas n’ carrots mixture; will not eat fresh or canned carrots, or frozen carrots that you cut into squares. This makes the list, but she will not eat more than 5 or 6
- Pears – fresh or jarred. Loves.
- Peaches – fresh or jarred, though starting to eat less and less. Might be headed off the list
- Apple – usually only if you are eating it
- Whole wheat toast (I can find one brand that doesn’t have soy protein or milk)
- Whole wheat bagel (ditto about the soy and milk. Will also eat cinnamon raisin bagel if I am eating it but not if it’s hers)
- Waffles (same soy issue. Eggo recently changed their Nutrigrain waffle recipe from dairy and soy free to include both milk and soy. Now we have to buy the very expensive organic kind)
- Pancakes, plain only (will not eat apple pancakes, although she will eat apples and pancakes separately just fine. Must cook from scratch because mixtures contain dairy)
- Pasta – freshly cooked only; will not eat if refrigerated
- Sausage – only BJ’s brand plain sausage; will not even pretend to make any exceptions to this rule. But her love for BJ’s sausage is overwhelming. She would eat 4 at a time if we let her. This is particularly odd because she hates and refuses every other type of meat ever.
- Fried egg – I am putting this on the list to be generous because she actually ate it for the first time today. It is very likely that she will never again eat an egg, but I am feeling optimistic from our experience this morning.
- Cheerios – by the fistful. Will never, ever turn down the opportunity to eat. By far her favorite food
- Honey graham sticks (only kind of cracker on the planet that does not contain soy)
- Gerber sweet potato puffs (only flavor that does not contain soy)
I am not leaving things off this list. It is completely complete. This is the ENTIRE breadth of what our child will eat. At first glance, you may say to yourself "16 things! That's a lot!" but remember that she eats three meals a day, as well as 2-3 snacks. It's impossible to keep an even remotely balanced and healthy diet that doesn't bore her (she gets bored easily) with 16 food items to choose from (especially when there are minimal veggies and fruits). Also keep in mind that she is constantly deleting things off of her list as well. Recently taken off the list (probably because she got sick of it because her repertoire is so small) – and by taken off the list I mean that she used to love but now screams “NOOO!” like a crazy person if you put said food item within 30 feet of her mouth: bananas, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, mandarin oranges, sweet potatoes. They're dropping like flies!
Never even on the list: every other food imaginable.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
I Am Toddler, Hear Me Roar
When we got home, we thought we’d try it on her so that Christy could see her in the costume since she wouldn’t see Ellie on Halloween. Well it turns out that my daughter is terrified of lions. Or maybe its just bargain priced lion costumes from Old Navy that scare her. Whatever it was, Ellie screamed while we were putting it on her and was anxiously trying to tear it off of her body the whole time she was wearing it. This did not bode well for a fun filled Halloween.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Home Is Where the Heart Is
I missed a week of Ellie's life this week. I know, I know, poor Marty. I have friends who have missed many whole weeks or months of their children's lives and I have nothing but respect and admiration for them, because there is no way on Earth that I would do this again. Even though I know I will. See my problem is that Ellie is on the verge. On the verge of what you ask? She's simply on the verge of toddlerdom. So for those of you that have either never experienced toddlerdom or have blissfully forgotten, allow me to provide this short definition.
What's so great about all that, you ask? It's the acceleration. I was looking at some old (relative term) pictures of Elise the other day and I was amazed at how different she looks. With each
While I was away this week, Elise would look at two books with her mommy - books that Meredith made for Elise and I for Christmas and Father's Day. They are pictures of the two of us with captions. Throughout the book, Meredith would ask who is this? Elise would respond, 'baby' and 'daddy'. Do you know how cool it is that my daughter not only recognizes me, but knows me?!? Meredith would hold her up to the phone and she would say, 'Hi Daddy!' Has your heart ever jumped out of your chest and flown 2000 miles in an instant? At first it's cool. Then it aches. See, the problem is that the aching didn't stop. For three days, it just ached.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Say My Name
She's saying "mommy" very, very clearly. She's been saying daddy for quite a while now, but she always called me Mama until this week. Trouble is though, now that she's got the hang of
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Regardless of how loud or quiet we were trying to be, Ellie was just a natural born light sleeper. When she was still sleeping in the cradle in our room, she woke up when one of us rolled over in bed! When we moved her into her own room, she woke up when we walked down the hallway or sneezed in the next room! When we were riding in the car and she was sleeping in the back, the second the engine turned off she was immediately awake, no matter how long she’d been sleeping or how tired she was!
Sliding with Grandpa
There is nothing worse than accidentally waking a sleeping baby when she would’ve otherwise slept through the night (especially when you’re tired and exhausted too) so what followed was months and months of tip-toeing, whispering and avoiding taking showers while she was sleeping. We would even avoid getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night at all costs because it would inevitably wake her!
In the Pumpkin Patch
The next night, even though I put her in pj’s with feet, I was still concerned that she might be too cold, so I decided to tempt fate and go in and cover her with a blanket once again. Once again, she slept through it all. Is it possible that a child can “outgrow” being a light sleeper? Apparently so. And I’ll admit it: I’m lovin’ it. I am completely addicted to going into her room before I go to bed every night. I love how peaceful she looks. I love how she’s always in a different, uncomfortable-looking position every night- sometimes her face jammed up against the crib rails, sometimes her knees tucked under her with her butt up in the air, sometimes on her back with a stuffed animal peeking out from behind her shoulder blades. No matter how uncomfortable the position seems like it would be, she always looks cozy and happy.
Picking Apples in the Orchard
Elise is becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler every day. She’s talking more, getting better coordination, understanding more – she’s even tolerating the car more! It is so exciting and wonderful to watch her grow and learn, as she changes from a baby into a little girl. But amidst all this change and growth, I do cherish those few moments every night, watching her while she’s sleeping – looking so small and serene. It reminds me that she still is, and always will be, my baby.
Enjoying the Apple!