For a few weeks now, Elise has been saying “Ew!” and pointing at her diaper when it is dirty. When she was younger, she just cried when her diaper was dirty (and it was usually a process to figure out why she was crying in the first place because there were lots of frustrations that she cried about), but now that she’s getting the hang of this talking thing, she can much more eloquently express herself. Ew is right! But recently she has been saying “ew” and pointing to her diaper, and when I go to change it, I realize that the diaper is clean. Then a few minutes later, it’s dirty. Hmmm. I think this kid has figured out when she has to go to the potty. From what I hear about potty training, that’s half the battle. And lucky for me, she hates having a dirty diaper, so I imagine that potty training will be fairly easy with her (and yes, I know I just cursed us to have a child who is still not potty trained by age 8).

Elise developed a mild fascination with the potty a few months ago, I think through a combination of several kids at her daycare potty training and me flushing her poop in the toilet at home. Using the potty is something that we have certainly not discouraged, but have not actively encouraged either. She’s still young for actual potty training, but as long as she is showing an interest, we thought why not make the resources available, should she choose to use them. So, I bought a little Elmo Potty seat and put it in the bathroom and said not a peep about it.

There have been a few occasions that she goes into the bathroom and asks to sit on her Elmo potty (but I think this has more to do with her love of Elmo than having to use the potty). I indulge this request each time, but it is always a lot more work than it is worth. The time it takes to remove her shoes, pants and diaper is always significantly longer than the amount of time she actually sits on the potty (which is usually about 5-10 seconds) and she never actually goes.

Last week, though, the weirdest thing happened. We were in the living room playing, when she got up and ran into the bathroom. She put the Elmo potty seat on top of the toilet and started pointing to her diaper saying “ew”. So, I took everything off and plopped her on the toilet. And then…she actually peed! She looked very proud of herself, and I must admit, I never thought I could be so excited to see urine. We are certainly not packing away the diapers or starting potty training because of this latest development, but we are pretty excited about it nonetheless. It was probably just a fluke thing, but the fact that it even happened blows my mind. When did she become such a big girl?
Yay for Ellie! She is so smart!!By the way, your hair looks fabulous! Give Ellie big smooches for us! xoxo
OMG!! That is so great! YEAH ELLIE!!! And YEAH Mom and Dad. I think this is the earliest I have heard of a child getting potty trained. That is fabulous! I only hope that when Isabelle's turn comes, it will be that easy but for some reason, I am thinking not. Love you guys!
First of all, love your hair, Mer! Secondly, what a big girl! I keep thinking that we are light years away from this, yet we aren't that far behind you......Love and hugs to you all!
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