As one that has always had a particular affinity to the word 'no', you can safely say that Elise has never been a yes child- in spirit or speech. In fact, I can probably count the number of times she's actually uttered the word yes in her entire lifetime on one hand, though it would take all of my fingers and toes to count the times she's said "no" in last half hour alone.
However, perhaps as a sneaky way to avoid getting a reputation for being agreeable, Elise has randomly started saying "aye" in affirmation where a "yes" would clearly suffice. Example:
Mommy: "Elise, would you like to read this book?"Elise: "Aye!"

It's as though her deep-rooted Irish/English heritage has subconsciously kicked in or she has been secretly frolicking with pirates (is that your influence, Owstons?!). I have absolutely no idea where this new development could have possibly come from, as all of the people in her limited social circle (and on Sesame Street) say 'yes', plain and simple. Maybe she thinks that yes is boring and is trying to bring Middle English back. Well, I suppose that if this is the way she chooses to rebel, of all things, I can deal with it.
1 comment:
Hey, dont go blaming us...Marty is a captian too!
Miss you guys!
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