Elise has been sleeping for five hours at a stretch overnight from 12 AM - 5 or 1 AM - 6 and it was great for everyone, especially Meredith. Early this week, however, two nights in a row she reverted back to the three hour restless sleep. Tuesday night was particularly difficult one for Momma and Elise,
as they were awake in the middle of the night for almost two hours. Ellie was just uncomfortable and cranky. This spilled over into the days too. Meredith and I noticed that her fussiness was really gaining momentum and that she was unhappy more than usual. There were two basic states for Ellie... sleep or crank.
Now on Wednesday it reached the zenith of cranky... Tuesday was a difficult night and Ellie just wasn't herself... so Meredith made the first ever unscheduled trip to the doctor and we learned that our little piece of perfection has eczema and no way to scratch her little itches. Thus her not-as-happy mood was explained. The doctor explained that Ellie has particularly sensitive skin and will be prone to rashes and allergies, so we will need tobe careful about what we put on her and feed her for her first year.
Can you imagine...the two of us having a fair-haired, fair-skinned child with sensitive skin? Oh, who are we kidding - we are just lucky she isn't allergic to the sun, albino or see-thru! So we got this moisturizing stuff along with some cortizone that you mix with it and WOW! We began to see a difference almost immediately. And while Daddy and Elise had a really, really really really hard Wednesday night (Ellie cried for about 2 hours straight) she did end up sleeping five hours Wednesday and Thursday and has been way less cranky during the day. So we'll see how she does tonight.
We're going to continue to put the medicine on her for the time being... Oh and I almost forgot. We had to buy this special baby detergent, Dreft, to wash all of her clothes, bedding and our clothes (pretty much anything her skin will come in contact with). It's for the most sensitive baby skin. For those of you that don't know, Dreft is roughly $900 per ounce. So, my precious little girl already has very expensive tastes... I'm not sure I like this trend.
It should be mentioned that we have not completely forgotten about our original little baby... our kitty Ridley. He especially deserves recognition because he's been such a good cat since we've had Ellie. So in addition to some new pictures of Elise, we've thrown one up there of ol' Riddle.
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