Last weekend we drove down to Maryland to visit with my friend Shannon and her family who was up from North Carolina for the weekend, and my friend Michael and his family who drove up from Southern Maryland. Shannon, Michael and I grew up on the same street, and born within 8 months of each other, we have literally known each other since the beginning of time. Blood or not, they are my family. It was so fun to see them, and even more fun to get all of our children together. It's kind of bizarre to hang out with your childhood friends and their children because you still feel like such a child yourself it seems impossible that you could really be an old, married parent. I still remember our first day of kindergarten together, and here we are all grown up with children of our own.
Ellie and Skylar
Anyway, Ellie did a great job on the long car trip and went the entire day without a nap OR a meltdown so I'd say the trip was a raging success. The weather was gorgeous, so we got to get our first real afternoon of the Spring lounging in the yard and playing for hours. It was great to be able to spend the day with friends and to see our children interact. Ellie was fascinated with Michael and Dawn's son Devin (3 months) while he was in his car seat, but was much less excited about him when her Mommy was holding him. She was literally climbing up my leg saying "Ellie's Mommy" and "Mommy hold her" (she gets her pronouns confused but she meant Mommy hold me). This does not necessarily bode well for the arrival of little Juan, but we have several months to work on this issue so I won't stress yet!

I hope that after 31 years, Ellie is still friends with her buddy (and our next door neighbor) Miles and that their kids get a chance to meet each other and hang out. Even if only for an afternoon.
Ellie, Devin and Skylar
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Skylar is the spitting image of Shannon! And I'm not sure I knew that Michael had a baby! How fun for all of you to get together. Tell them all I said hi next time you talk to them :-)
Mer :-)
Wow, it's been a loooooong time since I've seen those faces! Looks like you all had a great time! How wonderful that you are able to get together with your little ones!
Ok, Merle, you were right -- Skylar looks JUST like Shannon! And Michael has a son! Unreal! Great pictures! love you, K
One more thing, Merle...I re-read that your new baby will be born in October! Bring on the Libras! Obviously baby Juan has picked a wonderful month in which to be born! :) K
Holy Crap! Mike Marshall has a son!?!?!?
Geez. I really need to get in touch with some people! :)
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