Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Change: Oh Boy, It's A'Comin'

In case you aren't one to pick up on subtle hints...

We're having a baby!

Your Frequently Asked Questions - Answered!

Q. Is it true? You guys are really having another baby?!

A. Yes, it's true! We're adding a new member to the Molloy Clan roughly around October 5, 2008

Q. Really? Weren't you just pregnant?

A. While it does feel like I was just pregnant, it was shockingly two years ago now since I experienced the joys of pregnancy (i.e. bloating, nausea, vomiting,!)

Q. Wow, your kids are going to be pretty close in age. Is this an "oops" or was this planned?

A. It was always our plan to have our children between two and three years apart. Elise and her little sibling will be about 2 1/4 years apart, which fits into our ideal timing perfectly. We are hoping Elise will make a smooth transition to a toddler bed this summer to free up the crib. And she may even be potty trained by the time the new baby makes its debut, so we'll only have one in diapers. That's the hope anyway!

Q. Having two kids so close together is going to be a lot of work. Are you people crazy?

A. Yes, we are crazy.

Q. Are you at least going to find out the gender this time?

A. No way! We loved being truly surprised when the doctor laid our little girl on my chest and we are excited to have that experience one more time. Sorry to disappoint all you "need to know-ers"! I promise we're not doing it just to drive you crazy (though that might be part of Marty's reasoning).

Q. Are you going to do a blog for the new baby too?

A. As I am sure we will be completely swamped and overwhelmed for the next years, at this point I think it is unrealistic to think that we will have the time to dedicate to two blogs. However, we absolutely love keeping record of our child's monumental steps through a blog and want to do the same thing for our new little one. Therefore, we will probably be revamping this blog to be a Molloy Family blog, instead of being focused on Ellie only. So sadly, the new baby will not get his/her own blog. The second born always gets the short end of the stick - it's a hard life lesson that he/she will learn early. (Marty and I are both second borns so we have little sympathy for this hard life fact)

Q. How do you think Ellie is going to handle not being the center of the universe anymore?

A. We think that she's going to have a rough transition at first. She is a bit of a Mamma's Girl, and as a nursing mom, her precious Mamma will have to assume most of the baby duties. But we also think that she will adjust quickly and that she will be an absolutely wonderful big sister. She is great at bossing people around, so she will fall into her natural role as big sister easily. =) And honestly, Daddy is thrilled about the prospect of becoming Numero Uno. Just yesterday she had a "Daddy Day" where she didn't want anyone but Marty to pick her up or help her with stuff. So maybe she'll move over more to a Daddy's Girl before the baby is even born, which would be helpful.

Q. What are you calling the new baby while it's in utero?

A. In keeping with Elise's nickname for the duration of my pregnancy, "Mini Mo" (Mini Molloy), we have been calling the baby "Mini Mo 2.0". However, when asked what we should name our baby, our friend Shoshana's 2.5 year old daughter Regan said we should go with "Juan". How she came up with that, I have no idea, but it is hilarious so we have also been calling the little one Juan.


BlondeJustice said...

Congratulations you guys! I usually read your blog everyday and when I got your email "suggesting" that I check it out, I immediately thought "They are pregnant." Oh, I am so happy for your family!

Best of luck!

Mamabear said...

Oh my goodness...another Molloy! Look out world! We are so happy for you. Maybe the three of us will fly out there to meet Mini Mo 2.0 when he/she arrives and to fianlly meet Ellie! With your bolg, I do have to say, I feel like I know her already :)
How ya feeling Mere?
Love you guys!

Ryan, Meredith, and Evan said...

YAHOOOOOO!!! After we talked last week I was wondering when this very exciting announcement was going to make it's way to the blog!

Our little one is currently named Coyote Latte - so in my opinion Juan isn't all that abnormal! ;-)

Love to all FOUR of you!
Mer and Ry.

Retainer Girl said...

Hooray and congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of "Juan."

--Olivia's Amazonian roommate Katherine

Kim C. said...

Ah, big news! Cheers and congrats! Wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful pregnancy! I love you girl, Cliff

Travis, Heather, & Tyler said...

I, too, am an avid reader of the blog, so when you get a "reminder" that a blog is in place, there's big news a-coming. COMGRATULATIONS!!!!! (Though add me to the list of mad need-to-knowers.) Love you guys!

mwcjim said...

Wow guys, that's awesome! (As I said in my voice mail). Can you please give Juan a sombrero upon birth?? Pretty Please???

The Sumy Family said...

You guys know how thrilled I am about a new Molloy, and as a mom of babies who were barely 21 months apart, my first reaction is, "It's about time!"
The adjustment will have it's rough moments, just as the initial adjustment to parenthood did, but I promise that the first time Ellie dances, squeals or even hits her head against the wall just to make the little one laugh, your heart will feel like it is exploding to contain the exponential amount of joy that you will feel in watching your children bring each other happiness...
Best wishes for an easy and comfortable pregnancy, and congratulations to all of you!

The Sumy Family said...

Oh yeah - cute haircut, too! It looks great on you...but if you get any urges to shave it off, it's probably the resist the temptation!

dawnandmike6 said...

Congratulations to all three of you! Such exciting news... I miss being pregnant. Take good care and we are excited to see you on Saturday. Can't wait for you to meet Devin!

Congrats again!
Dawn, Mike, and Devin