It's not just how much she dances that is so entertaining, but how she dances is equally hilarious. The child of two very white, fairly soul-less parents, poor thing dances a bit like Elaine from Seinfeld - arms flailing, hips rocking, shoulders turning, feet stomping...all seemingly independent of one another. I absolutely love that Ellie jumps up and starts dancing at the hint of any music, and her dancing technique makes the process all the more adorable. When she hears a song that gets her really excited, she dances by running around in circles and or holding someones hands and running in place. It's just too cute.
Ellie has a passion, not only for dancing, but for music in general. Lately, Ellie has been treating her parents like her personal jukebox, especially in the car where she shouts out her musical request repeatedly and incessantly until you start singing. Sometimes she'll just say "sing!" but most of the time she has a specific request. Her current favorite is "Dinah" ('I've been working on the Railroad') which I swear we've sung more times in the past two weeks than any other song in our lives. And the very moment our thrilling "Dinah" rendition has concluded she belts
out an enthusiastic "Nain!" (again) "Dinah! Nain!" with a huge grin on her face until we start singing again. And you can't get away with just one parent singing while the other one takes a little break. If only one parent is singing, she'll interrupt with "Mommy sing!" or "Daddy sing!" until the silent parent also joins in. What can I say, the girl loves a duet.
We seriously need to buy a kids music cd!
Hey...I do recall you two, when Mere was pretty prego, cutting a rug at my wedding posted before I finished.
So anyway, I think Ellie, as white as she and her folks may be, might have a chance of loosing the Elaine dance and becoming a true dancing queen. Its going to be fun to watch either way! Miss you guys!
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