Melville Leaf Wolfe
November 25, 1915 - February 27, 2008
November 25, 1915 - February 27, 2008
Elise is a very loved little girl. Not only does she have two parents that shower her with constant affection, but she also has 4 grandparents that love her to pieces and spoil her rotten. And on top of that, for the first year and a half of her life, she has had the pleasure of knowing and being loved by five great-grandparents. Not many people can say that.
Elise and her Great-Grandfather, "Pop" Wolfe, may not have been in each others lives for very long, but they certainly made a big impression on each other. I will never forget the way Pop watched Elise as she ran around with her boundless energy, and the smile that she brought to his lips. "Pop" was one of the first names Ellie ever said, and was the first person, other than her parents, that she pointed to in a photograph and identified. She picks up her toy phone and "calls" Pop and Nanny more than she calls anyone else.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Mer - you and Ellie are both so lucky to have had him in your lives, and to have all the wonderful memories of him to keep forever.
Love and Hugs!!
I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Keep him in your heart and continue sharing sotires and photos of him to Ellie and he will never leave hers.
Mer, I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Share as many memories as you can with Ellie. It will keep him in both of your hearts. Much love!
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