Elise’s vocabulary is expanding by leaps and bounds every day. It is so fun when she busts out with some new word (like thumb or tower or purple) that makes you scratch your head and say “When did she learn that?”(and why can she say those things and not “yes”, which seems far more simple?) Most of what she says is very clear – there is no mistaking what she’s saying (up, down, bus, no, Elmo, eat, Ernie, Mommy, and dozens and dozens of others…all crystal clear). But when she says some other “words”, you may not realize what she’s trying to say without an interpreter (her mother or father). So in case you randomly run into Elise on the street without her parents, here are some translations of Ellie-Speak:
Yes: Was “aye” but evolved into “dye” and most recently “tye” and now “O’Tay”
Meatball: Mee-maw
Cheerios: Oh’s
Milk – muk
Water – wawa
Ellie: Eh-yee
Uncle Wolfe – oofe
Watch – atch
Noodles – nu-nulls
Oscar: Ah-sheesh
Grover: Bo-ber
The Count – Ah, Ah, Ah
Garage - arage
Cow - Tow
Riley - Brock (or Barack)
Three - free
Uncle Kevin - Ernie (No clue on that one)
Vienna - Enna

1 comment:
I love the "Ah, Ah, Ah"! Made me giggle... at my desk... out loud!
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