Now that Elise has more than 60 words under her belt, she has become a regular chatterbox (and it’s completely amazing how much can be conveyed in daily life with such a short list of real words and a bunch of fake words - though we still only understand about 30% of what she's saying). At least once a day, she says something that is absolutely hysterical leaving Marty and I in complete stitches. I wish that I could get all of these things on video because it’s not just what she says, but the way she says it – always so serious, with her head nodding, craning her neck around in your face so she’s sure you are listening to her, like she trying to hypnotize you (“Elmo?” she often says, her eyes an inch from yours, head nodding back and forth in more than just a suggestions – it’s as though she’s willing you to agree).
To set the stage, Elise was whining and cranky and we were trying to figure out why.
Meredith: "Do you want Mommy to take off your hat?"
Elise: "Nooo" (her voice goes up at the end, turning no into a two syllable word)
Meredith: "Do you want Mommy to take off your shoes?"
Elise: "Nooo"Meredith: "Do you want Mommy to tickle your belly?"
Elise: "No!"Marty: "Do you want Mommy to cook you lasagna?"
Elise: "Noooo"Meredith: "Do you want Mommy to throw you a party with clowns?"
Elise: "Um, nope"Meredith: "Do you want Mommy to kiss your cheek?"
Elise: "Nooo"Marty: "Do you want Mommy to pay for your college education?"
Elise: "Ummm.....Alright." (and she stops whining)Um, ok. The girl drives a hard bargain. I guess we'd better start saving.
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