Saturday, January 12, 2008

Breaking News...This Just In

Our child - you know the one that has not eaten any vegetable other than green beans (which she also stopped eating about two weeks ago) in literally months bringing her mother to the brink of insanity - ate broccoli tonight. Broccoli. I kid you not. She ate broccoli, then asked for more. Then ate that, and asked for more. Repeat, repeat. Prepare yourself. I believe this may be the sign of a Apocalypse. And if it is, I - for one - will go out with a smile on my face while nonsensically murmuring the word "broccoli".

Thanks Meredith. In other news, Mother and Father find themselves delirious and giddy with delight after their child eats broccoli (this in the same week where Elise pooped on the potty TWICE) that they randomly put bowls on their heads in celebration!

Complete news at eleven.


Travis, Heather, & Tyler said...

Celebrating with bowls on heads looks fun! :) So glad that Ellie is trying (and liking!) new things. Broccoli is an all-time favorite around here. Hugs to you guys!

Mamabear said...

Love the bowl head celebration! Yeah for Ellie pooping on the toilet!