This week, Marty went to a work conference in California for four days and left us girls home alone for the second time since Ellie was born. This time, however, he was gone during the workweek, so my parents graciously came over to help out for much of his absence, so we weren’t as much “home alone” as we were “without daddy” for a few days. (Thanks Oma and Opa! We appreciate it!) As it was last time, I think that it was harder for Marty to be away from Ellie than it was for me to have her by myself.

When Marty went to California for a wedding in October, he was gone just a few days and when he got back, Elise was the same little baby that she was he left. But as she gets older, Elise seems to grow and change so much faster – I swear she is bigger some mornings than she was when we put her to bed! (although she remains practically bald and completely toothless, she grows in other ways!) She is learning and doing new things at such a fast pace now that just a few days make a huge difference. Elise has already moved past her Creative Crawling stage (see last blog entry) and has now begun to crawl in the traditional knees and hands way - and boy can she motor. Of course she makes a beeline (she is done with Avenue Q) past all of her toys, directly for whatever object (electrical wires, heater, magazines, shoes) that she shouldn’t be getting into. What a difference a week makes!

In the past week, she also learned a new party trick - pulling herself up. She has actually been pulling herself to a stand from sitting using our fingers and clothes (and lips and noses) for weeks now, but this is the first time she has been pulled herself to a stand using an object. In fact, she just discovered that she can pull herself to standing in her crib and this completely delights her. She thinks that it is the most hilarious thing ever - she whoops and squeals and laughs, so proud of herself. I think that this means that we have entered into a whole new era (and it seems potentially dangerous)!

Speaking of dangerous, this newfound standing (and thus falling) actually led to her first (of many I am sure) falling boo-boo. She was standing up holding onto the coffee table and slipped and bonked the bridge of her nose on the coffee table. At first, it was shaping up to look very bruised, like a broken nose, but it looks much less painful today. Even with her ability to crawl everywhere, she still prefers to stand (as she has since about two weeks old!) She is chomping at the bit to walk, but still does not have the greatest balance (ie: coffee table incident) so I think she’s still a few months away. But then again, who knows…a week can make a big difference in the life of a seven month old!
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