Quick – put up the baby gates, hide the breakables and give the cat a running start; Elise started crawling this week! Now, when I use the term “crawling” you are probably envisioning something like this: little baby on hands and knees, moving arms and legs simultaneously in order to get from point A to point B. Well, you would be wrong with that vision. While we can safely say that Elise is crawling now, it is not anywhere as graceful or efficient as the classic crawling imagine above.

She has begun to what we like to call “Limp Crawl” and it looks a little something like this: She starts on her hands and knees in classic crawling fashion. Then she tucks her right foot under her and uses it to propel her forward (which sometimes lands her on her belly, sometimes she stays up on her hands), then repeat. She usually uses the right foot, so she is not very good at going in a straight path, but she somehow (eventually) reaches her intended destination. We like to say that she gets from Point A to Point B by means of Q.

Like I said, she gets where she is trying to go, but it is neither graceful nor efficient. It is, however, absolutely hilarious. She also uses an alternate crawl, which we like to call the “Monkey Crawl”. With this crawl, she moves from Point A to Point B using her hands and feet, with her little butt up in the air walking like a monkey. She cannot get as far with Monkey Crawl (she usually topples over and then moves to Limp Crawl) but it is equally as hilarious and ungraceful.
Unfortunately in addition to the fun and joy that crawling has brought this week, Ellie has also had a not-so-fun past few days due to a nasty cold. Her nose is running like a faucet and she’s been having trouble eating since she can’t breathe out of her nose. She hates having her nose wiped and it is a full-fledged battle to try to get her nose clean (a process that is impossible anyway because right after we clean it, it’s right back to full of gunk almost immediately).

Luckily other than the eating issue and hating getting her nose cleaned, the cold has not really dampened her spirits. Her newfound mobility is just too exciting!
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