Fortunately for me, Marty was the one to drop her off at daycare, so he got to refresh his separation anxiety, which he had gotten used to over the past few months. It was quite an adventure for daddy and daughter, as they took the bus to daycare (marking Ellie's first trip on public transportation! Is she a city-girl or what?!) When they got there, Daddy was stressed out and nervous and Ellie w

I left work about an hour early on day one and arrived at the daycare to find Elise sound asleep and completely content. That was until I woke her up trying to get her in the car seat and she started crying. The report from her first day was good. She had no problems taking the bottle or taking a nap. She even did some lovely artwork! I was beginning to think that she could really care less about the whole being left with strangers thing. She showed her true colors when we got home though, as she spent most of the evening trying to nurse and would scream bloody murder if I even thought about putting her down for two seconds.

Day three, Friday, did not go as smoothly. Our transportation plan was complicated by heavy rain and a public transportation problem that resulted in Marty holding a diaper bag, a backpack, a baby in a carseat and an umbrella for 40 minutes waiting for the bus. She eventually fell asleep, but woke abruptly when the door to the daycare slammed behind them and she was much less of a happy camper for her dropoff. Then when I picked her up and took her home, she not only wanted to nurse constantly, but also apparently wanted to keep us in her sights to make sure we wouldn't leave her because she refused to go to down for the night for the first time in weeks. We ended up having to rock and soothe her for hours, like in the "old days" and she eventually drifted off.
The best thing about going back to work is the weekend! Being apart from my baby makes the time that we do have together that much more exciting and meaningful. I no longer take the time I have with her for granted and have spent the entire weekend doing "nothing" with Ellie and loving every minute of it.
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