So far, we've been writing a week by week description of what has been going on in our lives. So, this blog will be devoted a little bit to the bigger picture of our nine week old blueberry.

Ellie loves the scary bears. The scary bears is a bear moblie that has three little bears that circle her changing table when we are changing her diaper. Oma named them the scary bears, but fact is they are not that scary... except they do look like they're being hung by the neck. So, it might be that she likes the bears or Ellie may be a believer in capital punishment - only time will tell.
Ellie LOVES the outside. When she is crying, we take her outside and she immediately stops. Seriously, we don't know if it's the warm breezes that blow through the treezes, or the noise from the street and mother nature, or just that she loves being outside, but Ellie is always happiest when she is freed from the stuffy confines of our home. This may not bode well for our future sanity.

Ellie is a fiesty, firey little redhead with an Irish temper. This needs to be explained. Ellie falls into what the books and clinicians categorize, "an active baby". This basically means that when she's awake, she is always on the move - she pretty much always has to be moving and preferrably bouncing. Ellie loves to bounce and if you are not standing with her and in motion - that is when the fiesty, firey Irish temper comes out. Oh and she doesn't stop crying when you start moving again, if she's going to give you the business, she's going to punish you for ever having stopped being in motion in the first place. Only when she feels as though you have redeemed your stagnant ways will she once again smile and coo in delight. And lest relatives and friends think they are immune from the constant bouncing motion junkie - she is indiscriminant. She has encouraged her aunts and uncles to join gyms before their next visits. Even when she's not being held, her little body is in constant motion... swinging her arms around, kicking her legs, rolling from side-to-side (although not rolling over quite yet)... she is always on the move. (Meredith would like me to point out that she was like this in the womb as well and that the stomach bruises are just now starting to heal.) Thus, "an active baby."
She is sooooooo strong. From birth we knew our baby had freakish strength, because she always had great neck and head strength, but Ellie can also stand already. Sort of. When she's really mad (see reference above) and you put her on your lap, she can support herself... it's the most amazing thing. So, we don't mind Ellie being mad, 'cause we kind of get a show with it. Strong, and cute. As any of you can see from the pictures, she's pretty much the cutest baby around (that's objective of course) and when she's mad, she's really cute too.
Ellie loves the bath. She loves the water, she loves getting naked (again bad for our sanity later, I fear) and she loves getting clean. Ellie HATES getting out of the bath. She hates putting clothes on and getting lotion lathered on her super-sensitive skin.

Ellie hates the car... it's like 'YEAH, I'm going outside... no, no, why are you putting me into a smaller version of our stuffy house?!?" She throws-up every time we go somewhere. Her mom still can't ride backwards on trains, so maybe there is not much hope for her. But, maybe when she gets bigger, she'll like roadtrips better.
Ellie loves mornings. Frankly, we have absolutely no idea where this comes from. I mean it's not from either of her grandparents, aunts, uncles or other relatives that we know of. But... when she wakes up in the morning, she is a smiley, happy, fun baby. She will go from her cradle to her crib with a jungle mobile and say good morning to all her animal friends above (different form the scary bears, but also look like they are hung) and her buddies on the crib bumper. And she coos, and smiles and greets the day with such joy that even her sleep deprived, momma and daddy love mornings now too. Whoever said that a baby changes you wasn't kidding!

There is so much already to this tiny little girl who has just started to figure things out. We can't wait to see what she'll start to love and hate in the coming weeks.
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