Our little baby had quite an exciting week! We start wiyh her first trip to another state (unfortunately the first state we took her to was New Jersey! What were we thinking?!) and her first beach adventure. For a girl who hates cars, I have to say that Ellie was the perfect little angel. She slept in the car the whole 2 hour ride there (after JUST waking up from a 3 hour nap too!) and was also an angel while we were there. She loved the ocean breeze and the boardwalk. Wasn't as crazy about the ocean water (yes, Marty put her feet in) and I think that the sound of the waves crashing was too loud for her little ears because she didn't seem to like being so close to the water either, but generally she liked beach life.

Her night away from home was great - she slept in the pack n play (thanks MWC girls!) just great and had a 7 hour night, even in the strange environment. She showed off for our friend Laura by rolling over from her back to her stomach several times, which is now her new favorite trick. However, she hates being on her stomach, so once she rolls over she gets really mad! But she's also learning to put her arms up and push herself up a little bit and is raising her head pretty high. (our little baby is growing up!) She slept well on the ride home too - even though Marty was banging on the steering wheel while listening to the Eagles game - which gives us great hope about our future travels. (In my defense, e were driving during their fourth qtr. collapse against the stinkin' Giants.)

Sunday night was a big night too...we moved her out of our bedroom into the nursery! (our little baby is growing up!) She didn't sleep as well that first night, but has been steadily improving as she's getting used to her new surroundings. We also had to move her to her crib because she's outgrown her cradle (yes, again our little baby is growing up!)
On Wednesday, Ellie had her 2 month well baby check up (we are running a little behind) and her doctor sung her praises. She is a very strong baby! She is almost 11 pounds now and 23 inches long -70th percentile for height and 28th percentile for weight (our little baby is growing up!). Then came the most traumatic thing Marty and I have experienced...vaccinations! Marty held her hand while she got the 5 shots and I sat on the other side of the room and then swooped in with the comfort when it was over. Marty says that I want her to associate the pain with him and the comfort with me, and well, he's right! She SCREAMED like I have never heard before when she was shot and then cried for quite a while. One thing that I was not prepared for was the BLOOD pouring all over her legs! There is seriously nothing worse that seeing your infants blood.
All and all though, she did really well with the shots. The only reaction she had was some redness and swelling on one leg but that went away within a day. Now she just has a bruise on her leg but never got a fever or any other problems. She was actually in the best spirits ever the day after the vaccinations.

Note from Marty: I would like to address the fact that I had no idea of Meredith's alterior motives in the doctor's office. Both Meredith and I were worried about how Ellie would do with the shots and agreed it would be best if I held her. As Daddy held baby's hands and consoled her while she was getting all the shots and crying. Come to find out that it was all so Mer wouldn't be associated with the pain. Do you all see where this leads many years from now ?
I realize that Ellie won't remember any of this, but medical science is confirming more and more that the hardwiring we get as infants stays with us and I'm sure from now on, I'm going to be the one associated with pain. If only I could be there for the vaccinations and shots of all her future boyfriends...
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