Friday, July 07, 2006

Week One: Now that wasn't so bad, was it?!?

Well, we've done it. The Molloy's have survived what everyone has built up to be this horrible, horendous thing... the first week. Apparently, Elise was supposed to be this awful screaming, out-of-sync baby where Momma and Daddy never got any sleep and where we genuinely were supposed to contemplate the "Cute Baby For Sale or OBO" post on Craigslist. Alas, we seemed to have dodged that bullet.
I think it was supposed to look something like this...

However, as it turns out, Momma and Daddy have with the help of Oma and Opa (Mer's parents aka 'our heroes') been able to get some sleep and try to get on somewhat of a routine. Even after they had gone back to MD., we were able to achieve our stated goal... KEEP BABY ALIVE!

Sure she's fussy, but it's usually around the things that make Daddy cranky too - hungry, tired, need to be changed... well, I've outgrown that last one, but you get the idea. For all you out there who think it will be hard, know that with the love and support of your family and friends anything can be handled.

We would like to especially thank our parents, Grandmom and Grandpa and the aforementioned Oma and Opa without whose constant support, this week would have been hell.

Anyway, Elise is happy and sleepy and really fun. Here are a few pics form the past week to prove it. Enjoy!!! And we'll be back with more installments daily or weekly, or whenever we're not staring at our greatest achievement to date.

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