This week at daycare, Elise had what is referred to as her "transition week" to a new classroom. She has been in the Infant-Toddler class since she started at this day care, and now (along with most of her buddies right around her age) she is moving into the next class which is called the Transition Class (the in between stage of toddler and Pre-K). The Transition Classroom is a little more structured than Infant-Toddler, the kids naps in sleeping bags, and they really focus on important skills they'll need for Pre-K like potty training and education basics like the alphabet and numbers. They're also encouraged to be more independent and self-sufficient.

At this day care, when a child moves into any new class (or beings the program) they have a "transition" week where they are slowly introduced to the new place/room. For her transition week (which began on Monday), we dropped Elise off at her regular Infant-Toddler class, and one of the teachers took her over to the Transition Class for a few hours, then brought her back. The second day, the teacher took her over to Transition for a few hours more than the day before, then came back to get her...etc for the rest of the week until the last day when you drop your child off in the new classroom and pray that they are going to be relatively adjusted to the new surroundings. Elise does not always do so well with strangers, so we have been a little worried about how she'd transition to Transition. She's seen these teachers on the playground and in the hallways and they all know who she is (and vice versa) but Ellie does have quite an attachment to a few of the Infant-Toddler teachers and she really isn't one to take to change too easily (when it comes to people).

So when we picked her up on Monday afternoon, we were shocked to hear that she had an absolutely terrific first transition day! Apparently she didn't want to go over to the Transition Class and was being shy when she first went in, but her buddies Sara Jane and Audrey came running over to greet her (they both had their "transition" last week) and welcomed her into the new class with open arms. After that she was much more comfortable and apparently made herself at home. One of our biggest fears was that she would not feel comfortable enough with the new teachers (Kim and Denise) to tell them when she had to go to the bathroom and that would lead to lots of accidents and regression (potty training has been going really well - she rarely has accidents anymore, averaging maybe one accident every four days and it's usually a situation where she is trying to go, but just doesn't make it to the potty on time). Turns out Ellie
was too shy to tell them when she had to go, but she took it upon herself to just go by herself whenever she had to go and never had an accident all day! Apparently the only break down she had the whole day was when all the other kids were getting ready for nap time and Ellie didn't have her sleeping bag (they hadn't told us to bring it in yet) so she couldn't nap with her friends. The good thing that came out of that was that she finally let Kim hold her! First day = success!

On Tuesday, things were apparently very similar to the first day. She really didn't want to go over to the Transition Room at first, but got more comfortable once she got there and started hanging out with all of her familiar pals. This time, we did bring her sleeping bag. The sleeping bag came in a backpack, which might have been the highlight of her day. She was REALLY excited to wear her backpack to "school" and I have to say it made her look really grown up and it made me have a little panic attack about how quickly she is growing up! Anyway, the second that she walked into the Infant-Toddler class that morning, she excitedly showed Panela her backpack and sleeping bag and was in a wonderful mood and seemed really excited about napping with her friends. Turns out that she didn't end up napping over in the Transition Class though - apparently she missed her favorite teachers too much and chose to nap back in Infant-Toddler. Other than that, Transition Day number two was a huge success.

Elise doesn't attend daycare on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so for those days we were really playing up how great it was going to be in her new class on Friday. Turns out all of our talking about it didn't really help. When we dropped her off on Friday morning, we took her to her new classroom. First of all, as we passed her old class, she ran over to the door and then started throwing a fit when we reminded her that wasn't the class we were going to. Marty had to pick her up and carry her to the new class - on the way pointing out all the same things that she sees every day that are still there and familiar. She settled down a little and Marty sat with her at the breakfast table while she ate some waffle and blueberries. She seemed like she was getting comfortable and got excited when her friends Max and Sara Jane arrived and were happy to see her. Ahhh, maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all!
Ellie and Daddy pushing Tasha and Lauren (her dolls) in the swings
Then, another little girl named Elizabeth was dropped off right just as we were about to make our exit. Elizabeth is new to this school (she just started last week) and apparently has some separation anxiety issues. Elizabeth was a crying, screaming wreck ("MOMMY! I WANT MOMMY!"). Elise, who had finally seemed fine with being in the new class, suddenly started crying ("I want Daddy!"), seemingly egged on by hysterical Elizabeth. She flung herself onto Marty and latched on so tightly, he eventually had to actually pry her off of him. Denise (the teacher) took her and encouraged us to go ahead and leave, as Elise screamed and reached for Daddy and tried with all of her might to get the heck away from Denise. Elizabeth, meanwhile, stands up and runs over to Denise, even more hysterical because first her Mommy, now Denise abandoned her. Marty and I left poor Denise to deal with the insanity (Elise screaming and squirming in her arms and Elizabeth screaming and clinging onto her leg and Sara Jane and Max yelling about Cheerios) with pits in our stomachs. Leaving your screaming child is completely heartbreaking - even if we know that it's likely that she'll be totally fine in just a few minutes. You leave with that image of your child screaming and reaching for you, eyes begging DON'T LEAVE ME! and you feel nothing but crushing GUILT.
The Molloy's with the Wolfe's (Oma, Opa and Uncle Wolfe)
At 4:00 on the dot, Marty and I headed out of work and rushed over to pick up our poor little traumatized daughter, hoping that we hadn't scarred her for life by leaving her with strangers (and screaming children). I walk in and Ellie is on the floor playing with Little People. I put my hand on her back and she looks up and smiles "I'm playing Little People Mommy!" she tells me excitedly and goes back to playing. Seriously. I mean, she was happy to see me I guess, but really Little People were much more exciting. After a few minutes I tell her we should get her stuff so we can go home and she tells me "No, I want to stay here." I felt guilty all day long about leaving her in unfamiliar territory and now she tells me she never wants to leave! Urgh! But, we were happy because obviously the day quickly turned around (unfortunately we only got to see the rough part!). She used the potty with no problems and was accident-free all day, played and had fun and even napped in her sleeping bag without a problem. Kim even said that Ellie was warming up to her - she wanted Kim near her (but not touching her) at all times.

I'd say that all and all, it was a successful transition week, and I think that she will quickly grow to really love her new class. Obviously we hope the Monday drop off goes more smoothly (perhaps we should find out when Elizabeth usually comes in and make sure we get Ellie there 30 minutes before that) but at least now we know with that even if there are some tears at first, she's a trooper and a big girl and she's going to be ok.
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