Thursday, May 01, 2008

Um, Maybe Not

Ok, maybe I was jumping the gun on the whole "Ellie is ready to start potty training" thing. This morning, Ellie was playing, running around and all of a sudden she stopped and squatted giving all of the "I am about to do my business" signs. My mom said "Ellie, do you need to use the potty?" and Ellie responded with "No, Ellie poo in diaper." My mom tried to usher her into the bathroom anyway so that she could use the potty just like Elmo, but that only solicited crying and shrieks of "No, Ellie poo in diaper!"

Well, at least she knew she had to poo in the first place, right? Baby steps.

1 comment:

Wolfe said...

That is the funniesat thing I've heard in a long time!! I KNEW she was related to me!