Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Danger of the Daycare

So when I dropped Elise off at daycare this morning, Dru (our and Ellie’s favorite employee) said “I think I figured out why Elise is so skinny.” I leaned in, awaiting some nugget of brilliance from this woman who has worked at this daycare for 18 years and has seen countless children and situations. “She burns lots of extra calories from tackling the other children.”

Um, what? Our little baby tackles children? Yes, apparently our seemingly innocent smiley little one, who still does not weigh in at 20 pounds, is in training to become a linebacker. She is using the other kids at the daycare as her personal training tools (Aunt Shoshana would be proud). “She doesn’t do it in a malicious way,” Dru continued, “She is being playful. But poor little Christine hit the rug more times than I could count yesterday.”

Urgh. I am so sorry little preemie Christine who is just now finally learning how to walk, if my insane linebacker child has now deterred you from standing for fear of being tackled. I hope that she has not permanently scarred you and that your parents do not sue us when you are still not walking at age 15.

I guess that in our paranoia not to gender stereotype and be too gentle and girly with Elise, we may have gone a little overboard on the roughhousing and physical fun. She has apparently taken a little too much of a liking to Marty’s favorite “chase and tackle game.” (but I swear she has not once even tried to tackle either of us!). I guess we should give gentle and girly a try. Gender stereotyping or not, it sounds less dangerous.


Ryan, Meredith, and Evan said...

Hmmm.... I seem to remember some serious wrestling going on in the living room whenever Marty would visit when we lived on Howard Ave.... I think maybe she's getting the tackling trait from her Mother. ;-)

mwcjim said...

Well it is training camp season. Hey, check out the new blog at http:/
