Yet another exciting week in the life of our darling 8 month old: she has officially entered the wacky world of finger foods! This week our baby indulged in Cheerios, Sweet Potato Puffs and tiny pieces of banana, all of which she gobbled up gleefully. I am not sure whether it’s the taste or the process that she likes better, but it equal parts fun and hilarious to watch her try to pick a Cheerio up, and then get it to her mouth, then chew and then swallow. Sounds simple for those of us that have been mindlessly munching away for years, but it’s quite a process for our daughter, let me tell you. Endless entertainment!

The biggest obstacle (other than actually picking the thing up) is when the Cheerio gets stuck to her sticky, drool covered finger, which prevents it from ever quite making it into her mouth. Even when it doesn’t reach her mouth, she starts chewing as though it’s in there and she is savoring that whole grain goodness. She is quite the little actress already! Maybe she has a future as a mime. Now that she’s getting into the solid food thing, she has begun to get the concept of eating and now covets whatever we are eating. She watches intently as we chew our food, waiting for her bite, sometimes licking her lips a little and leaning in like a greedy little monkey. We’re taking things slowly though, holding back on the more adventurous foods for later. For now, we are all enjoying the Cheerio phase.

In the talking update, it looks like Marty wins the competition we discussed last week (I think he was bribing her with interesting food, that’s why she’s always licking her lips when we eat – she knows what she’s missing!) as Ellie has begun to indiscriminately chatter “dada” along with “blah”, “rah” and “ahh”. It was a close one, but I tip my hat to the competition for his hard work. He was much more consistent with his “dada” repetition than I was with “mama”.

One last update: last weekend we were visiting friends who have a 2 ½ year old daughter, and they brought out all of her old toys for Ellie to play with while we were there. Ellie got the biggest kick out of the baby “walker”, as she was finally able to fulfill her lifelong dream of walking without the aid of her parents. She walked back and forth across the room for nearly an hour, never tiring of the activity (we did!). At home, she is cruising around furniture with ease and gaining steadier balance every day. She still REALLY wants to walk (and still continues to forget that she can’t and therefore continues to take many a nose dive) but has also realized that crawling can get her to where she wants to be in record time, so she is crawling a lot more too.

That's it for now. Aside from Ellie's depression over her Terps getting bounced in the second round, she is all smiles, motoring along.
1 comment:
We've got a long way to go until then, but Travis is really looking forward to the "Cheerios phase". :) I can't believe what a big girl you have on your hands now!
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